Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Wow, so I've completed 5 of the 6 of these movies. For those of you who don't know, I consider myself a pretty big Austen/period movie fan. A friend of mine gave them to me for CHRISTmas (from her own collection, very appropriate and economical). I'd thought of just buying it to complete my collection...
Boy am I glad I didn't. I do feel bad that my friend ever spent money on them--or really maybe anyone. But yeah, wow. I only have Northanger Abbey left, I've 'saved' it for last partly because it's the only one I've never read the book of, I've only seen one other version of it, and it's the shortest of them all (in length of course).
I don't have high hopes for it, I believe the only thing it'll have going for itself is that it's only an hour and a half.
Every single one of the other ones were pretty painful for me to watch. They were all HORRibly acted! I don't know how many of you have seen them. But I suppose if you want a good laugh and just need something to play in the background (like while you're grading or something), you could waste your time watching them. They were all really awful! I'm totally serious. Horrible crying. The acting was terrible. The cinematography wasn't good either. There was almost no music during the movie. Wow.
I dunno who these people are who wrote reviews about them saying they thought they were great, I even read a review that it was really well acted and casted. I don't understand what that person's standards are, but they're clearly low! Much of it, line delivery and what not, I feel fairly confident that I could have done a better job. Perhaps not, but that may give you an idea of how bad they were.

Okay, just wanted to take a moment to rant real quick. Now I'm almost done. Really once I've watched it I'll have come close to watching all versions of all Austen books (well definitely more mainstream versions). Somehow that's satisfying to me? Yes, weird I know...


Christy said...

Oooh. Good to know! Thanks for the heads up on those, I will def. avoid. :)
Did you ever watch the BBC tv series Lost in Austen? I loved it! So cute.

Mishie Moo said...

Are you sure the "horrible crying" wasn't just coming from you (because the movie was so bad) and you mistook it as part of the movie?

Unknown said...

may i never watch these films! thank you austen expert carol!