Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tanner Huffines LIVE: 2010

My friend Alessandra worked at a calendar place over CHRISTmas break and our friend Tanner who is on a mission has a little bit of an obsession with Zac Efron (the star of High School Musical). So she bought this calendar and we put our own pictures over the faces throughout and mailed it to him. It was awesome. It was a ridiculous amount of work because we had to measure each head after we perused all my pictures and found a picture that was roughly the right angle and size it in Word and then print it off. Oh, then cut it out and glue it on. Wow, may never do something quite to that extent ever again. Whew. Way too many hours...but it turned out AWEsome!! Here are my most favorite pages--though it was all great. A mildly more complete set of pictures is in a facebook album.
The main six of us: Bryn, Megan, Ryan, Me, Tanner, Alessandra. These pictures were some of the most fun to pick.

Devin and Sean do love to play basketball. It was fun to put people's faces over Corbin's face because his hair almost always stuck out.This was a favorite too!! I had to flip Cam's face so it was facing the correct way. Lol. Too perfect though and Bryn brushing his teeth--so funny.

I love that in this one we put Tanner and Devin on girl bodies--SO funny!
I can't believe how funny Amy's face turned out here, and Kennedy's was great. We had to leave some Zacky-poo's as himself. I can't believe I already had such a perfect picture to take over Corbin's picture here! (It's from a dance from a couple years ago.)
This was July, and I love these faces. They're hilarious! Look at my face--scary! (Course Vanessa's face that was in that same picture with me was pretty great too.)
The three girls--I just think our expressions are way funny. And now I know what I could look like with dark hair.
Look at the hands here--no words to explain...
Way too perfect that Ryan was the name of the character in the show and we could put Ryan in as the "Most Stylin' Dude." As a cowboy too--Tanner's companions will always think he's a cowboy--lol!
I think this one is hilarious. Ryan's face ended up a little bigger than it was supposed to be, but my face here is awesome with the hands the way they are...oh man, these three are one of my favorite pages.
Kristin and Bryn's faces here are priceless. And we got a 3rd arm in there--all in honor of Alessandra in Loaded Questions. :)
This always makes me laugh how huge Cam's head is in comparison to the picture, but also in comparison to Josh's!
We decided to put our back bumpers from our drive-in movie on the back! Haha. We made little smart cars.

WAY too much fun, hope you all enjoyed it! Probably not as much as we did though for sure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, carol! nicely done! i'm sure he will enjoy this gift YEAR round! ;)