Saturday, February 13, 2010

Emma Came!

Sigh. My copy of the new Emma came! It's so great, and I'm so excited that I had to just announce it here...I'm glad I don't have to watch it in 10 min increments ever again.

I first opened it, popped it right into the dvd player and had to watch the end! So happy...


Nate said...

Wow, 3 posts within a week! That is pretty impressive! This is exciting though. I haven't watched it a second time yet but I think it might have to happen really soon. ugh, it auto signed is to Nate's account but I'm not changing it. Sometimes I feel way too lazy. I guess I have an excuse these days. :)

Dallas and Kirsten said...

Thank you so much!!! I read your other post where you talked about watching Emma and I thought to myself, "Hey, Carol has great taste, I want to see that too." So I tracked it down online and stayed up til 4am watching the entire thing!! LOVED IT!! I can't wait to get my own copy. So my thanks go out to Miss Carol Joy for recommending this masterpiece!!