Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I just might have a problem...

So...I have a 1st interview tomorrow at Leprino Foods, and I got a 2nd interview with RegWest for next Tuesday morning. So that's extremely exciting.

And my professor still hasn't read my thesis, which I sent him the first copy back in April, and he hasn't read a lick of it (apparently). Sigh. Makes me think I won't be able to meet the July 6th deadline. We'll see. I suppose it's still technically possible. :/ My other committee members are being awesome, and are willing to help me out more than they really are required, which is pretty great.

I have plenty to do with my job hunt and thesis...and what have I spent far too much time doing?! Watching video blogs on YouTube. Yes, vlogs that people I don't know have made...

I may be borderline obsessed right now. Whew, at least it's just borderline? I am behind on almost all of my real (irl=in real life) friends blogs. But somehow, I just haven't pulled them up (it's mostly those of you having them private, because I have to pull it up to see if you've posted), because I feed compelled to watch 'just one more' YouTube video. Somehow that's a more appealing alternative than reading about my friends who I know. Sigh.

Anyhow, it's been fun, but I think I need to stop watching so many of the old ones, and maybe I can mostly just watch the new videos as they come out.

The main vloggers that take up most of my YouTube watching time are the vlogbrothers, Hank and John Green. I flip flop on which is my favorite, and have subscribed to some of their other channels on YouTube as well. I think my favorite really is John though. Their 'Lizzie Bennet Diaries' are pretty funny too. I've been enjoying them. Between all of them, I know I've spent a few hours watching their videos. So...I decided I might as well blog.

I do really wish that some of my friends would start some video blogging, it'd be awesome!! I'd love to watch videos from people I know, and I know some pretty great and funny people. I'd love April, Michelle, Christy, Chloe, Ryan, Ashley, Bryn, Nicole, Brittney, Jamie, Vanessa, Mary, Joan (to name only a few!) start a video blog! It'd be so much fun! I would totally watch it, and I bet you'd get other subscribers too. So much fun. Then I would keep up on your lives even better! Awesome.

Anyway, if you have a little time to kill, I thought I'd post 2 of my favorite vlogbrothers videos. Well, this first is just a FAQ video, but it's a good starter since they've been making videos since 2007.

 How to Become a Nerdfighter: FAQ

Aren't they just awesome?!? I love the way they film, and the way they talk, and most of what they say.

This next one is one of my favorites, though the one that has probably my favorite line is, I think, in the video after this one in my vlog playlist on youtube (username:caroljoyath2o), "Love and Romance Questions ANSWERED."
So, if you will, enjoy!

Harry Potter Nerds Win at Life


1 comment:

Kristin King Hess said...

good luck with the jobs!!!