Monday, August 08, 2011

Is this a problem?

As I drove back into town Saturday night I stopped at the grocery store to get sandwich fixins, see what fruit/veggie they had on sale, & check out the day-old rack. I was pretty happy to see that grapes were on sale for $1/lb! I'm typically pretty wary of purchasing grapes because I'm quite picky about them, a bit of a grape snob if you will.

But they luckily looked pretty good, so I chose a bag (hoping it'd be the ticket) and bought it. It was Fast Sunday though, so I didn't get to start in on them until last night. But I was very pleasantly surprised. They were delicious & I probably ate half of them last night!!

I'm trying to keep myself from finishing them off today, but am considering it, justifying it by stopping to get more today so I can also freeze some for future smoothies...

hmm...all of a sudden I just can't get enough grapes...
(My grapes probably didn't look quite this good...but I liked this picture!)


The Foys said...

Mmmmm now I want some grapes!! Good fruit is getting so hard to come by these days!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I love fruit! If you have a problem, then I have a problem, cause I can eat like a whole watermelon in like 3 days! Haha! At least it's way healthy, right??

Anonymous said...

Definitely did not mean to say "like" that many times. I need to proof read next time... Love ya, Carol!!

Jonika said...

I love Grapes! My treat when you come home to visit...send me the bill