Monday, February 09, 2009

Come what may and love it!

So this happened last sunday, but I think that it's too funny, and I think one of the main reasons I have this picture was to post it.
The toilet had been pretty finicky, but it decided to really go outta control. It was what I got for being up absurdly (well not too much) late. So I was standing in half an inch to an inch of water. But the picture's just sad because you really can't tell anything about the water, even if you zoom in. Except that the towels are obviously soaked. It was nuts.
I had to yell from the bathroom to wake up my roommate. She was really out of it, it's frankly amazing I was able to get this picture because she was barely functioning. She thought I should leave it for the morning. But don't worry, I cleaned it all up. We don't own a mop because our kitchen and bathroom floors are just so small and we have zero storage space. So I had to mop up all the water with the towels. Then I bleach watered the floor, then rinsed it with water, then dried it. It was intense!
But honestly I couldn't stop laughing, because it was so preposterous. And getting angry was only going to make me, well, angry. So I decided that it really was hysterical, let's be realistic. So I decided to have the attitude at Elder Wirthlin's suggestion, "Come what may and love it."


Jonika said...

girl!!! your funny, sorry about your floor. now your bathroom is clean. and I am SO glad you didn' leave it until morning, gross.

Vanessa said...

so wait, did you wake up your roommate just so she could take a picture of you cleaning up? I am glad you didn't wait until the morning too. That would have been pretty nasty in the morning.

Natalie said...

lol that is so funny! haha did u get it fixed?

Unknown said...

we are blogging friends now! huzzah!

Carrie Allen said...

Good Attitude Girl!

Mishie Moo said...

When are you going to write a new blog!? I'm just sitting here, waiting and waiting.

Carol Joy said...

Hah, I never responded to any of these comments...yeah, we got it fixed, at least we haven't had any problems since, not with the toilet at least, and they did come look at it.